
How Long Can You Keep A Video Game From Gamefly

I've been a fellow member of Gamefly since Baronial 2009. In those two years I've been an overall satisfied customer. In that location have been a few hiccups here and in that location, but the service has been solid. A friend asked me if Gamefly was worth it? I put this list of pros and cons together to aid you lot decide whether or not you lot should subscribe to Gamefly. If everyone who has a Gamefly account has annihilation to add together experience free.

Huge Selection

Gamefly is the just place that allows me to hire Nintendo 3DS titles. $40 is a lot of coin to put towards a game that I might not even like. It's non like Gamestop is going to give me a full refund on an opened 3DS game considering I didn't similar information technology. Whenever a 3DS game that interests me is released, I'thousand using Gamefly to play it. Gamefly besides has a bunch of games that my local Blockbuster doesn't carry. Games include Catherine, Cursed Mount, & Tony Hawk'southward Project 8.

Fast Shipping

It normally takes 2 days to receive a game after Gamefly sends me a confirmation email. They also ship out new games the day before they're released which means I ordinarily have a new release the twenty-four hour period after it hits stores.  An instance I use is Uncharted 3. Information technology was released on Tuesday November 1st. Gamefly shipped it Mon, Oct 31st, and I received it Wednesday, Nov 2nd. I have no problem waiting an extra mean solar day to play a new release. The aircraft might slow down next year when the U.s. Mail service slows downwardly their adjacent day mail service.

Game Availability

Ane problem I've encountered is the availability of a new videogame later information technology'due south been released. You can almost guarantee a new release will have "Low Availability" for it's first month. I've had it take weeks to receive a confirmation e-mail after a games been released. A game that comes to mind is Batman: Arkham Asylum. If I had been amend most aircraft the game I had dorsum to Gamefly, I probably would've received one of the showtime copies of Arkham City they shipped out. I waited 2 weeks for an email that Gamefly shipped out Arkham City, merely it never came. I gave up and put dibs on Uncharted iii. I'm current;y waiting to see how long information technology's going to accept before Gamefly ships me a re-create of Super Mario 3D State.

Remembering to ship games back

I've ran into this trouble more than a few times. I finish a video game, put it dorsum in the packaging, and leave information technology in my car for over a week. Forgetting to send a game dorsum seems like a small problem until yous miss the deadline on that new videogame you lot wanted to play and then bad. Now you've got to wait for who knows how long until you get a confirmation email. Another discussion of advice would be non to transport a game back too close to the release of a new game. All-time bet is to give yourself a week. The holiday blitz of new games is pretty much over and then I guess it'south pretty much a game of waiting for a confirmation email. Remember to ship your games dorsum when you lot're done.

Would I recommend Gamefly???

I absolutely recommend Gamefly if you're a Nintendo 3DS possessor. That $xl price tag on videogames is expensive, and most 3DS titles at this point have not been getting great reviews. Save your coin and use Gamefly. For everyone else I recommend giving Gamefly a endeavour. They have a ane month free trial where you could get a feel for how it works. Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.


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