
How To Keep Your Parents From Tracking Your Phone

I don't want my parents to track the activities I am doing, the people I am engaging with, and the places I am visiting. I demand freedom.

These are the statements that are most ordinarily heard by youth nowadays. But the question is, "How to Stop My Parents from Tracking My iPhone?" In this guide, we will provide you different ways in which you tin stop parents from tracking iPhone.

  • Part i: How to Know My iPhone is Being Tracked?
  • Part two: Stop Parents from Tracking iPhone! Hither are the Reasons!
  • Part 3: How do I Finish My Parents from Tracking My iPhone?
  • Part 4: FAQ about Tracking iPhone

Part one: How to Know My iPhone is Being Tracked?

Tracking applications are a potential threat to your privacy and are disliked by many. But how to find if my parents tracking my iPhone. We present you with some useful tips to check the presence of tracking apps past yourself.

  • Installing tracking apps on the iPhone requires the phone to be jailbroken. Check whether your phone is jailbroken or not.
  • If your bills are going across the roof since late, in that location is a risk of a tracking app installed on your iPhone.
  • The other signs of the presence of a tracking app on the phone include the quick draining of the phone's battery, unfamiliar applications running in the background, taking forever to close down, etc.

Role 2: End Parents from Tracking iPhone! Hither are the Reasons!

Being a kid, yous won't be liking the concept of your parents tracking your phone, and y'all would definitely desire to prevent parents from tracking iPhone. The post-obit are some common reasons why children want their parents to end tracking their phones.

  • The children want their parents to trust them fully and non be a prying center for them. Moreover, children too don't like parents meddling in their matters.
  • In the modernistic times, where about anybody is involved in relationships to some extent, tracking children is not appreciated.
  • Tracking children also leads to children beingness constantly broken-hearted that they are beingness watched at all times. This constant anxiety leads to mental disturbance and affect the children capabilities.

Part three: How do I Stop My Parents from Tracking My iPhone?

With every virus, come up the anti-virus, Similarly, on ane side where tracking apps are being made. On the other manus, the apps are being developed that block the tracking apps from tracking the phones. The following are some methods through which you can terminate parents from tracking iPhone.

Stop Parents Tracking My iPhone through Prepare Fake Location

The easiest method to stop your parents from tracking you lot is to set simulated location on your iPhone. It will simulated your location, and you won't be traced. The location can be faked through numerous applications. Some of them are given beneath.

Solution 1: Using iAnyGo

iAnyGo is the software developed by TenorShare for the sole purpose of changing the location without the jailbreak. This app can be used in the following steps:

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  • Download and install iAnyGo. In one case it is installed, launch information technology and click on "Change Location".

    how to delete parents tracking my iPhone
  • Using USB cable to connect your iPhone to the computer, then tap on "Enter".

    stop parents from tracking iPhone
  • Cull the GPS location you like, later click on "Start to Modify".

    how to turn off GPS tracking on iPhone so my parents can't

Simply i 2d, the location wil be changed completely!

Solution 2: Through iSpoofer Become

It is an excellent tool to faux the location and end parents from tracking iPhone. The location is faked using this tool in the post-obit means:

  • Download and install iSpoofer Get.

    how to prevent parents from tracking iPhone
  • Once installed, cull a location, and then click on the "Spoof" button and permit the app do the work.
  • iSpoofer Go has three modes. Brand sure you lot are able to employ all three modes as per your requirements. These modes are Unmarried betoken simulation, Road customization, and GPX file.

Solution 3: Make Use of Alter My Location

The other app about how to delete parents tracking my iPhone is Change My Location. By using this app, the exact location can't be traced. It helps you create coordinates simulating your location. You can fake your location by post-obit the given steps.

  • Download the app from the Apple App Store.
  • Launch this app and change your location to any location in the world.

    prevent parents from tracking iPhone iOS 9
  • In one case selected, you will encounter the location being changed and moved to the imitation location.

Solution 4: Using Nord VPN

The other method near how to terminate your parents from tracking your iPhone is the use of Nord VPN. VPN is a Virtual Private Network that encrypts internet traffic and protects users' identities. Nord VPN tin be used in the following steps.

  • Download and install Nord VPN. Afterward that, launch the app.
  • Sign in the Nord VPN app using the aforementioned credentials you lot used while signing up at the given link at the Nord VPN website.
  • Once you have signed in the app, select the Quick Connect option, and you volition automatically be continued to one out of more than 5000 bachelor servers.

    how to stop your parents from tracking your iPhone

Turn off Location Service to Foreclose Parents Tracking My iPhone

If you don't desire to download and install any extra spoofing software, and so yous tin simply plough off your iPhone'south location services. Y'all can practise this by following the given steps.

  • Go to the "Settings" carte du jour on your iPhone.
  • After that, curlicue through the carte du jour and select the "Privacy" option.
  • Afterwards that, select the Location Services and toggle the push button to turn off the tracking of your iPhone.

    parents tracking my iPhone

Pause Parents Tracking My iPhone through Anti-Spyware App - iAmNotified

Y'all tin also delete the parents tracking from your iPhone past using anti-spyware apps. These apps allow you know when someone is trying to spy on you. I such awarding adult for iOS is iAmNotified. It works every bit a watchdog and enables the user to know that he is being monitored, watched in his absenteeism, and prevents malicious activities.

how do I stop my parents from tracking my iPhone


After going through the article, I am sure that you at present know how to terminate the parents from tracking the iPhone. And Tenorshare iAnyGo is the most useful and powerful tool which is must be you unique selection. Moreover, yous would exist aware of the tools and their efficacies in preventing yourself from being tracked.

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FAQ about Tracking iPhone

Q1: Why children are beingness tracked by their parents?

Tracking can exist done to monitor children non getting involved into illegal activities, safeguarding children from cybercrimes, etc.

Q2: Is tacking someone legal?

Tracking someone for illegal use like privacy and security breach is illegal and prohibited. Still, tracking of children by their parents is immune because information technology I done having good intentions.


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